Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reading Street News

First Grade Parents:

I know this first full week with passwords you have been navigating Reading Street's home connection page.  I just wanted to let you know that I just began (last night) adding on fun activities and decodable readers to the site.  There should be a list of things to do on the site.  I will be suggesting things every week.  This will go along with our unit! Please let me know if it is simple to navigate and how it is going.  Remember, this is a fun and engaging way for your child to reinforce many skills taught in school.  Have fun! 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

LWS continued

Reading Tent

Guided Reading and Literacy Work Stations

Writing Station

Guided Reading

Big Book Work Station

Reading Street Computer Station

Around the World

Second Grade Parents,

Today we went on a virtual field trip.  When you get the opportunity, as your child about Yellow Stone, Yosemite National Park, The Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, and The Statue of Liberty.  What "wow" moment did they have visiting these places this week???????

Second Grade Homework


It is extremely important for students to understand that homework is to be done throughout the whole week.  To help students with this independent task I put the day that some of the homework should be completed at the top of the paper.

Spelling Words

Students should be studying their spelling words throughout the week.  Writing the words on index cards, the computer, or on a whiteboard are all ways to encourage your child to study.

Math Facts

It is important for students to have their addition and subtraction facts memorized. You can purchase fact cards at Staples, Building 19, Job Lot, or any other store to help with this process.  Students should be practicing their math facts at least three times a week.  There are also wonderful games online if you are interested.  This will help them for further math application.

Guided Reading

Guided Reading officially began in second grade this week.  It is going great!  Students are enjoying their groups and new teacher!

Garden Unit

Garden Unit

Students are learning about the life cycle of a plant.  Mrs. Woods is teaching us all about the beauty of our JCDS Community Garden.  Today we enjoyed picking tomatoes, kale, rasberries, and various herbs.  The flowers were also a gorgeous sight.