Wednesday, December 22, 2010

First Grade

First Grade Reading Street

Unit 3

A Place to Play

Concept Question of the Week:

How do Places Change?

Please note the new assignments and fun activities on Reading Street.  Students should make some time to complete a few of the activities and reading material during vacation.

Have a fabulous vacation!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Around the World!

Second Grade

Social Studies

We are leaving for South America!  We will be learning about the culture and customs of a few important countries located on the continent of South America.  Although we will be finishing our piniatas soon.....we must depart from North America to experience other phenomenal places!


We begin our unit on multiplication today!


Still working on adding rich adjectives to our writing to make our writing even more powerful!


Adopt-a-Pet is our latest writing assignment.  We are learning about persuasive writing. This writing assignment is a graded project that students are spending a lot of time on in Writer's Workshop.

Open Circle

We discussed "how to be a good friend" in Open Circle.  We did a lot of role-playing on Thursday and students discussed the importance of being a good friend.

Concept Question of the Week....

How are insect communities like our community?

Students are learning about ants and bees this week.  How are they just like us? How are they different?  Please make sure students log on to Reading Street for greater reinforcement of this week's concepts.

First Grade

Welcome Jordan! We are so excited that you are now part of our first grade family!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Grade

Dear First Grade Parents,

We wrapped up our concept question last week, "How do animal communities work together to survive?" Students have been learning a great deal about animal and people communities. We compared and contrasted non-fiction and fiction genres this week.  Students read an informational text this week during guided reading about Dinosaurs. This week we explore how animal communities are important to our community.  How do we help one other?  Students have also learned about nouns and proper nouns, contractions, and how to identify the author's purpose. Please don't forget to reinforce students' learning by logging onto Reading Street! Students have been working diligently during Writer's Workshop.  It is amazing how their writing has improved physically as well as creatively!  I am so proud of our first graders! They recently completed a writing piece about community helpers.  They also shared their Hanukkah poems during Author's Chair!

I hope everyone is having a very peaceful Hanukkah!

Jill Davis :)

First Grade

First Grade

Students enjoyed reading their Hanukkah poems during Author's Chair!

Dear Second Grade Parents,

Students have been working diligently during Writer's Workshop.  They recently completed their Hanukkah poem and it is now hanging up in the classroom.  During Guided Reading students are working on understanding the literary elements in a story.  I will be assigning a creative book report project soon.  It is very important for students to complete their Guided Reading homework nightly.  This has become a concern for some students.  Remember, it is not part of my homework packet. 

Thank you,
Jill Davis :)


Second Grade Science
Students act out the process of photosynthesis!

Social Studies

We are presently making Pinatas while visiting Mexico!